First Black Own Businesses in Omaha

First Black Own Businesses in Omaha

By: A.J., A Student at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, as part of Heather Nelson’s Service Learning Academy class. Background in Omaha  In 1899 The Omaha World-Herald article had reported about 2,000 […]
 A Brief History of Juneteenth

A Brief History of Juneteenth

By: A Student at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, as part of Heather Nelson’s Service Learning Academy class. Juneteenth is a holiday that is in celebration of the ending of slavery. It […]
 North Omaha Healthcare: Then & Now

North Omaha Healthcare: Then & Now

By: Cora Gillespie, A Student at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, as part of Heather Nelson’s Service Learning Academy class. In the midst of this pandemic, conversations regarding healthcare have taken over […]
 Community is Worship

Community is Worship

Religion and worship is a high priority within the African American culture. It was not long after Omaha's founding in 1865 that African American churches were on the rise. When they were denied access to White churches, they created their…